Sunday, November 6, 2011


This is an email I sent to my teachers, and then to parents and friends. I'm posting here and then on Facebook to finally get rid of any kind of little niggles I may have.


Hi. Sebastian Lamerichs here. Chances are I have some (or a lot) of overdue work I need to hand up to you. Well, unfortunately, there's not much I can do to remedy that right now, but hopefully this e-mail will explain my situation somewhat. It's likely to be pretty long (I have a tendency to ramble), but I'd really appreciate it if you read the whole thing.

I've been having pretty severe depression for the last two weeks or so. It has probably been affecting my attitude and behaviour for far longer, but that's when I first became aware of it. I'm not entirely sure why, but I suppose that if I knew that I'd be able to work my way through it. Unfortunately, that's not the case. I relate fairly well to the depression Allie Brosh (Owner of the immensely popular Hyperbole and a Half blog) went through not long ago, however I first blamed my behaviour on lethargy, and then sickness. It wasn't for a while that I consciously realised it was depression. Sub-consciously, I think I knew much earlier.

Allow me to break off on a tangent. You may have heard of the incredibly huge "Brony" fanbase. In fact, at the ASMS it's almost impossible to avoid it. However, just in case, I'll explain it. Bronies are people (generally males, but occasionally females) who are either adults or in their teens, who like the newest "My Little Pony" series. Sounds counter-intuitive, I know, but it's a genuinely good series praised for incredible character development, well thought-out plots, hilarious jokes, and astounding animation.

I could go on for weeks about why the show is great, but that's not my point. Some time in mid September I became a Brony. It was 4am and all of a sudden I realised I'd spent 8 hours watching colourful ponies have adventures. And for some reason this made me happy. I have been very "internet-savvy" for as long as I can remember, so I already knew of the phenomenon in December of the previous year, but like so many others I figured it was just some strange new fad. However, within days of actually watching it, I had started frequenting sites like Equestria Daily, Ponychan, and the r/mylittlepony sub-Reddit. Here I spent day after day simply amazed at the brony community—just normal people like me—producing art that the creators of the show praised, music that Daniel Ingram himself listens to, comics that have made hundreds of fully grown men cry, even entire professional standard plushies made by one person that sold for $2,475 on eBay. There are several radio stations dedicated solely to the show, and, most importantly, a community with a heart of solid gold.

Everyone is so incredibly friendly and helpful, it makes being in the community one of the best feelings imaginable. Combining this with the amazing art and music, and there was no going back.

It made me happy. I could escape problems I had in real life, forgot about all my troubles. It helped me stave off a losing battle against depression for far far longer than anything else could have, and it still is.

I'm not the only one. More people than I can count have had their lives seriously changed for the better by the show. One member of the community sent this package to another purely to brighten the latter's day. They didn't know each other in real life. That is what the show is about.

Unfortunately, things in real life have taken a turn for the worse for me. In the last week my depression has gotten far more crushing. However, I'm trying to turn it around, and I think I'm succeeding. I spent three hours just lying in bed listening to some brony music and crying before I decided to get out of bed and write this. That was a major turning point. I just decided to get everything out of my system and try to start again. Just typing this is helping me immensely, and I'm already at a point where I can clearly distinguish myself as happier than when I started this e-mail. I'm just going to try to slowly work my way up and hopefully be back to my normal self soon.

So, to get to the point, I don't have the work done. A combination of the mental issues I've outlined above and hardware issues I've had recently mean I probably won't have it done for a few days yet. But I promise you with utmost sincerity, I am trying my hardest to get everything sorted out and I will hand up my work as soon as I can. Whether you will accept it is up to you, and I don't expect you too, but I thought that I should just explain why all this is happening.

(Sorry for the 900 word long essay, but I wanted to be as clear as possible.)